L’installation ‘’MEMOIRE DE PIERRES’’, réalisée pour l’exposition: ‘’ Traces of time ‘’, à la Palmieri Foundation , fait référence aux pierres utilisées dans l’architecture baroque et à la tradition papetière de la ville de Lecce, en Italie.

Les blocs ont été réalisés à partir de déchets découpés, assemblés et cousus d’œuvres antérieures sur la nature et l’humain : « Botaniques », « Insectoscopies » et « La chute ».

Insectes et végétaux, figés à jamais dans le minéral, se mêlent aux corps pétrifiés par la lave, sous la forme de pierres en papier d’une surprenante légèreté.

Une réflexion sur la seconde vie des déchets, sur les temps historique et cyclique, sur le cycle de la création où, du passé nait un présent qui ouvre sur le futur.


After the series “Galets de la plage d’Argent”, “Green pebbles”, “Lace pebbles”, “Green stones”.

The installation “MEMORY OF STONES”, created for the exhibition: “Traces of time”, at the Palmieri Foundation,

refers to the stones used in Baroque architecture and the papermaking tradition of the Lecce city, in Italy.

The blocks were made from cut, assembled and sewn waste from previous works about nature and humans: “Botanics”, “Insectoscopies” and “The Fall”.

Insects and plants, frozen forever in the mineral, mingle with bodies petrified by lava, in the form of paper stones of surprising lightness.

A reflection on the second life of waste, on historical and cyclical times, on the cycle of creation where, from the past, a present is born which opens onto the future.



“MEMORY OF STONES”   is the title of the latest installation on display and created site-specific for this exhibition and for the city of Lecce. Made with manual and laser engraving and cutting, with paper engraved with floral motifs and burnt as is used in the Lecce papier-mâché technique (in Italian cartapesta), the artist represents the memory of the stones, their warm yellow colour typical of Baroque architecture and the designs embroidered with threads and other materials on the various faces of each work. A geography of stones, which appears to us as an open book on the history of a place, on the memory of experience, on the story that will emerge from the gaze of the observer. Here too, we find roads and shapes that cross them, in that synthesis of the eternal return between cyclical time and historical time.

Dores Sacquegna, curator of the exhibition ‘’Traces of time ‘’.

Palmieri Foundation, Lecce, Italy  

20 May to 2 June 2023

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